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About Us
Notice Board
Avishkar Competition
1st Academic Council Meeting
Faculty Development Program
Annual Day 2023-2023
Intercollegiate cricket team
Intercollegiate Chess Tournament
Convocation Ceremony Batch of 2022-2023
SGNP Green Walk
Safety Evacuation Mock Drill
Interdisciplinary Research Project Proposal Writing Workshop
Annual Day
Creative expressions a self care and mental well-being awareness workshop’
Second year Students of BAFTNMP ON A STUDIO VISIT TO LEARN and Understand CINEMATOGRAPHY on set.
Academic & Administrative Audit 2021
Technovation 2021 Project Demonstration
Award of Excellence
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UPG College has developed a distinctive identity that encompasses an interdisciplinary academic environment and application-based learning approach that is embedded in the trained and highly qualified teaching fraternity that focuses on holistic development of students using innovative and experiential pedagogy to prepare professionals to face challenges of decisions making, management, communication and technology in the future.
3 year integrated Under-Graduate courses leading to a degree in B.M.S. We have 2 divisions with a capacity of 60 Students each.
3 year integrated Under-Graduate courses leading to a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Media and Mass communication [B.A. M.M.C]. We have 2 divisions with a capacity of 60 Students each. 2 years integrated Masters Course M.A [E.M.A] with capacity of 60 students.
3 year Under-Graduate courses leading to a degree in B.Sc.(I.T.). We have 2 divisions with a capacity of 60 Students each. We also provide a Post-Graduate course leading to M.Sc.(I.T.) by papers.
Three year integrated Under-Graduate courses leading to a degree in Bachelor of Arts (Film, Television & New Media Production). We have 2 divisions with a capacity of 60 Students each. 2 years integrated Masters Course M.A [E.M.A] with capacity of 60 students.