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Rules and Regulations
  • Students
  • Guidelines
  • CBES Scheme
  • Additional Exams
  • A.T.K.T
  1. All students are responsible to the Principal, the Course Coordinator and members of the staff of their conduct in the Public.
  2. Insubordination, abusive language or misbehavior, misconduct can lead to the dismissal of a student.
  3. Demonstration of any kind in the college is strictly prohibited.
  4. In case of sickness, a leave application shall be submitted to the college office along with a medical certificate within two days of resuming the college. Fitness certificate at the time of resuming the college is essential.
  5. All the receipts on account of the fines imposed on students for any reason whatsoever shall accrue to the Students’ Aid Fund of the College.
  6. All students applying for Bonafide Certificate, Character Certificate, Birth Date Certificates, Testimonials etc. and requiring the Principal or Course Coordinator’s signature on any kind of document or application should first contact the College Office. No papers should be taken by the students directly to the Principal or the Course Coordinator.
  7. College is well equipped with Biometric identification (RFID).
  8. Students are required to do biometric for entry into the college.
  9. Student behavior and activity should not interfere with the orderly administration and discipline of the college.
  10. Students are warned against communicating any information or write anything about the college to the press without the written permission of the Principal.
  11. Students must take proper care of all the college property. Any damage done to the property of the college by disfiguring walls, doors, windows and fitting or breaking furniture and such other things is breach of discipline and will be punishable as such. Smoking, tobacco-chewing, drugs etc. are strictly prohibited in the college premises.
  12. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, if the Government takes any policy decision pertaining to B.M.S. / B.A.M.M.C. / B.Sc. (I.T.) / B.A. (F.T.N.M.P.)/ M.Com. (Bus. Mgt.) / M.A. (E.M.A.) / M.Sc. (I.T.) admission,  then the same shall be brought into effect at that point of time as per the directives from the Government/University of Mumbai from time to time. 
  13. The students while studying in college, if found indulging in anti-national activities contrary to the provision of Acts and Laws enforced by Government or in any activity contrary to rules of discipline, will be liable to be expelled from the college without any notice by the Principal of the College.
  14. Students must always wear their valid Identity Card (ID) issued by the college Authority. No student shall be allowed to attend lectures, practical sessions, tutorials, etc. unless he or she has his/her valid ID card.
  15. Failure to comply with any of the rules, regulations or requirements notified from time to time will lead to strict disciplinary action. 
  1. Students must always wear their valid Identity Card issued by the College Authority. They must present it for inspection or verification whenever demanded by the College authorities and / or Security Staff. No student shall be allowed to attend lectures, practicals, tutorials etc…, unless he/she has his/her Identity Card with him/her.
  2. Students should make use of the college library and must not loiter in the college premises whenever they have a free period.
  3. Students must be in their classes on time. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the class.
  4. Student behavior and activity should not interfere with the orderly administration and discipline of the college.
  5. Students are warned against communicating any information or write anything about the college to the press without the written permission of the Principal.
  6. Students must take proper care of all the college property. Any damage done to the property of the college by disfiguring walls, doors, windows and fitting or breaking furniture and such other things is breach of discipline and will be punishable as such. Smoking, Tobacco-Chewing, Drugs etc. are strictly prohibited in the college premises.
  7. Students are expected to be dressed appropriately for lectures and maintain the decorum of the educational institution.
  8. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, if the Govt. takes any policy decision pertaining to B.M.S / B.A.M.M.C / B.Sc.(I.T.) / BAFTNMP / M. COM/ MAEMA / M.Sc.(I.T.) admission, then the same shall be brought into effect at that point of time as per the directives from the Government/University of Mumbai from time to time.
  9. The students while studying in college, if found indulging in anti-national activities contrary to the provision of Acts and Laws enforced by Government or in any activity contrary to rules of discipline, will be liable to be expelled from the college without any notice by the Principal of the College.

The Credits are defined in terms of the learner’s hours which are divided into two parts such as Actual and Notional. The value of a particular course can be measured in number of Credit Points. The value of One (01) Credit is equal to 30 Hours.

The scheme of Examination shall be divided into two parts i.e. Internal Assessment includes Assignments, Seminars, Case Studies and Unit Tests which will be of 40 marks and the Semester End Examinations which will be of 60 marks. The Semester wise Credit Points will be varied from program to program but the value of Credits for Under Graduate Programmes shall be of 120.


  • The UG programmes carry a value of 120 credits for all courses under the faculty of Commerce, Arts & Science.
  • One (01) credit is approximately equal to thirty (30) hours of the learners load for all UG (Undergraduate) Programmes.
  • The credits are divided into two parts:
  1. Approximately 50% of the hours will be spent in classroom / practical / field work as prescribed by the University of Mumbai.
  2. Rest of the time notional spent for self study in library, institution or at home, case study, writing of journal and assignments, projects etc. by the learners him/her self for the completion of that course.
  • All 3 years undergraduate programmes are of 120 credits.
  • 17 – 23 credits in each Semester.
  • One (01) Credit = Thirty (30) Hours of learners load.
Credit Based Evaluation System Scheme Of Examination

The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components. The learner’s performance shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first components by conducting the Semester End Examination with 60% marks in the second components.

The assessment of Internal and Semester End Examination for the Semester I to IV shall be processed by the College and issue the grade cards to the learner after the conversion of marks into grade.

The assessment of Internal for Semester V & VI shall be processed by the College for which University shall be conducting Semester End Examination of Semester V & VI. The internal assessment marks of learner appearing for Semester V & VI shall be submitted to the University by the college before the commencement of respective Semester End Examination.

The Semester End Examinations for Semester V & VI shall be conducted by the University and the results shall be declared after processing the internal assessment and the marks awarded to the learners. The grade card shall be issued by the University after converting the marks into grades.

Internal Assessment

Eligibility norms to appear for the additional class test or assignment or project for learners who remained absent:

  • The learner must apply to the Head of the Institution giving the reason(s) for absence within 8 days of the conduct of the examination along with the necessary documents and testimonials.
  • If the learner is absent for participation in Inter Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, Training camp or coaching camp organized by authorized University or State or National or International bodies, NSS / NCC Events / Camps / Cultural activities / Sports activities / Research festival or any other activities authenticated by the Head of the Institution, the Head of the Institution shall generally grant permission to the learner to appear for the additional class test or assignment.
  • The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to the learner to appear for the additional examination.

Class test or assignment for Internal Assessment for courses without practical: (for Commerce Faculty):

  • A learner who is absent for the two class test and the assignment will be declared fail in the Internal Assessment Scheme.
  • A learner who is absent for the two class tests and has appeared for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional class test of 10 marks. However, his marks for the class test will be taken as out of 20. However, his marks for the class tests will be taken as out of 20 i.e. he/she will forfeit his/her 10 marks of one class test (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in his additional class test, his/her marks for the class tests will be taken as 4/20) and internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks and not 30 marks.
  • A learner who has appeared for both the class test but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks.
  • A learner who is absent for one of the two class tests and is also absent for the assignment, the learner will be allowed to appear for one additional class test OR one additional assignment as per the selection of the student (to be given in writing to the Principal / Head of the Institution) i.e. the student will forfeit his or her 10 marks of one of the class test / assignment as the case may be and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks and not 30 marks.
  • A learner who is absent for one of the two class tests/assignment as the case may be the learner will be allowed to appear for one additional class test/one additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks.

Class test or assignment for Internal Assessment (for Arts & Science Faculty):

  • A learner who is absent for the class test and for all the assignment/s will be declared fail in the Internal Assessment Scheme.
  • A learner who is absent for the class test and has appeared for all the assignment/s will be allowed to appear for the additional class test of 10 marks.
  • A learner who has appeared for the class test but remains absent for all the assignment/s will be allowed to appear for only one additional assignment out of 10 marks. The student will forfeit 10 marks of one assignment and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks.
  • A learner who is absent for the class test or one assignment as the case may be the learner will be allowed to appear for the additional class test/assignment and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks.

Class test or assignment for Internal Assessment for Courses with practical :

  • A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and the assignment/project will be declared fail in the Internal Assessment Scheme.
  • A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and has appeared for the assignment will be awarded marks for the Journal (out of 5 marks) & Viva (out of 5 marks) component of the Semester End Examination. Thus he will be evaluated for 10 marks instead of 20 marks and will lose the 10 marks for the Laboratory work. However, his marks for the Semester End Practical Examination will be taken as out of 20 (without conversion i.e. if the learner gets 4/10 marks in for Journal & Viva, his/her marks for the Semester End Practical Examination will be taken as 4/20) and internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks and not 30 marks.
  • A learner who has appeared for Semester End Practical Examination but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks.

The Additional Class Test (or viva examination) or Assignment must be conducted 15 days prior to the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completing the formalities.

Semester End Examination

Eligibility to appear for Additional Semester End Examination:

A learner who does not appear i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or representing the College / University in sports, cultural activities, activities of N.S.S., N.C.C. or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies / competent authorities or for any other reason which is consider valid under exceptional circumstances and to the satisfaction of the Principal or the Head of the Institute or fails in some or all the subjects is eligible to appear for the additional examination.

A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not be eligible to appear for the additional Semester End Examination.
The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed. Learners who are punished under O.5050 are not eligible for this additional examination.

Mode Of Conduct in Additional Exam

  • There will be one additional examination for Semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remained absent.
  • The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution. This examination will be held 20 days after the declaration of results but not later than 40 days.

Evaluation of Projects

  • A learner who PASSES IN ALL THE COURSES BUT DOES NOT secure minimum grade of E in project as applicable has to resubmit a fresh project till he/she secures a minimum of grade E. His/her marks in the theory papers that the learner has passed will be carried forward and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by them on passing.
  • The evaluation of project and viva-voce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scale.
  • A learner shall have to obtain minimum of grade E (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation and viva/voce taken together to obtain 40% marks in project work.

Passing Standard

The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course where the course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each project, wherever applicable, to pass a particular Semester. A learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination together.

B.M.S. & B.M.M. Courses
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester I.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if he/she passes each Semester I & II OR A learner who fails in not more than four courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together with not more than two courses each in Semester I & II.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester III. However, the learner shall pass each course of Semester I and Semester II in order to appear for Semester IV.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester, III and Semester IV. OR A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than four courses of Semester III and Semester IV taken together with not more than two courses each in Semester III & Semester IV.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester V. However, the learner shall pass each course of Semester III and Semester IV in order to appear for Semester VI.
  • The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the learner passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of grades obtained in each course of Semester I.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if he/she passes (grade ‘E’ or above in each course) each of Semester I and Semester II OR He/she fails in not more than three courses with not more than total 200 marks, in each of Semester I and Semester II. (For all Science Programmes, carrying less than total 900 marks.)
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of grades obtained in each course of Semester III. However, learner has to pass either of Semester I or Semester II in order to appear for Semester IV.
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV OR He/she has passed Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than three courses with not more than total 200 marks, in each of Semester III and Semester IV. (For all Science Programmes, carrying less than total 900 marks.)
  • A learner shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI irrespective of grades obtained in each course of Semester V.
  • The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the learner passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V.